Several months ago, I started building an MSX compatible computer board. This is Sergey Kiselev's OMEGA project :
I have no complaints about this project. Apart from the difficulty of supplying certain components and possible assembly errors, the computer works as soon as it is switched on.
In order to put this computer into real operation, I therefore obtained a CARNIVORE 2 cartridge which provides, among other things, access to a storage medium in the form of a FLASH card:
And now is the time for things to get complicated!
At first, I tried to run the cartridge with a flash card that I had. Despite my best efforts, and although the cartridge menus were displayed, the flash card was never taken into account. So I ended up looking for a possible compatibility problem with my flash card. The flash card that I have and that works on my PC :
- Personal creations always come up against the problem of the case. Which one for OMEGA?
- Two cartridge ports, at the time it was probably perfect, but today?
- Operating mode selection by pressing specific keys at start-up: boring and outdated!
- C-bios is not a system. It just offers the minimum API to run some cartridges.
- Difficulty finding a version of the system corresponding to the needs.
- Slowness of this type of machine. More efficient solutions are possible ...
- Video resolution is really minimal ...
- Lack of structured, up-to-date and relevant documentation...
- Use of bad technical solutions for some realization. In the case of CARNIVORE, fpga, resistance adaptations to voltage differences etc...
- Etc...
While this type of machine could, if updated, provide real pleasures of use and programming, it is clear that entering the MSX world from scratch is not a trivial task. And yet, this type of machine can provide real development potential but still requires a flattening of the concept I think.