mercredi 8 juin 2022

Drumulator Clone...

That's it, I've pretty much placed all of my ideas regarding my recreation of the Drumulator. I obviously added some goodies compared to the original machine.

Now I have all these components to place on a PCB:

Hmm, that's not my favorite part of the job...

[06/09] After a few hours of work, here is the general idea of ​​the front panel:

You will have understood, it's new, but old style version, because... I like that too.

[06/15] There's always a moment when you wonder if you're going to make it!

Anyway, I continue to place the components. It only remains for me to place those dedicated to the 'simple' output filters and as well as those dedicated to the commands/display of the machine :

Like that, it seems clear and well arranged, but what will be the routing with all these signals!!!

[06/16] After a few more hours of work, it becomes clearer...

3D visualization, even if it is not perfect, still allows you to get a fairly close idea of ​​what the printed circuit board will look like:

All you have to do is try to route all the connections. It might be 'sporty'!

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