Affichage des articles dont le libellé est CDP1802. Afficher tous les articles
Affichage des articles dont le libellé est CDP1802. Afficher tous les articles

samedi 4 mai 2024

Retro computing : SGS Z80B & CDP1802D

Quite by chance, I went into one of the last electronics stores I knew to buy lead solder.

Yes, because when you do troubleshooting on old equipment, with nice ground planes, and more generally equipped with old-fashioned components, that is to say not CMS, well this 'green' solder which does not melt that from 400° and even on very small components, I have enough!

But that's not the point. While 'chatting' with the seller, I tell him about the end of production of the Z80. He tells me that he still has some in stock, but SGS. Hmm, I said to myself, not common indeed, especially new ones. And, as we were discussing on familiar ground, he admitted to me that he had something even more 'weird': CDP1802.

And there, in front of my amazed eyes :

A new CDP1802, in ceramic DIP: gorgeous!!!

A piece of computer history that I absolutely must revive ;-)