lundi 1 juillet 2024

Just for fun?

It's been two to three years since I fully understood the 'democratic' operating (or dysfunctional) system of France. I know for example that, given my social class of origin which is totally foreign to the French bourgeoisie, and the way in which the oligarchy (the upper French bourgeois classes in power) has made the creation and exploitation of a viable business in France totally impossible for people not from the bourgeoisie, I know that it is totally impossible for me to 'succeed' professionally both as an employee and as an independent. This situation, absurd if we consider the collective aspect, leads to the economic results of France today as well as the result in the 2024 municipal elections in favor of the National Rally.

For decades I had felt that something was wrong in this country, but hey, to understand, you have to 'politicize' yourself. Which was not the case for me until recently.

Brief! However, it has been a very long time since I realized that what I was asked to do, within the framework of a job, did not correspond at all, neither to my real skills, nor to my desires. Reasons why I have always developed electronic projects privately. Lately I have even tried to insert myself into topics trying to promote my achievements and possibly market them. In vain. On this subject, however, I haven't really managed to understand yet. I have an idea, but I'm not sure.

By developing small electronic systems, I acquired some small skills. I am therefore going to implement them in what was my childhood dream: creating electronic devices dedicated to music. I have in stock an 8-way CV/GATE interface to be finished, as well as a MIDI connection system a little more adequate than the current MIDI network to be finished. So I'm going to devote myself to it.

And, since I have just repaired a Drumulator again, I like this machine and I have already prototyped pieces of it, I will start by trying to create a complete clone. I will put the progress of the project on this post.

Why the Drumulator?

My last repair dated 2024/06/30

Because it is a rather particular machine which, despite the theoretical simplicity of its operation, produces very good percussion sounds. This is because the sound production system is based on playing non-linear 8-bit samples. To simplify, it uses a particular coding that was used in analog telephone networks to artificially increase the audio quality of communications. Its 8-bit resolution thus increases to a 12-bit equivalent. Obviously, as the conversion cannot be linear, this gives a very 'punchy' but nevertheless very well defined rendering, perfect for percussive sounds.

Clone this machine, yes, but in a hardware way or in a software way?

In fact, I have already had the opportunity to develop the processor core of this machine in FPGA, as well as the wave sequencer. I did this on an Altera FPGA, then GoWin. I wanted to use Gowin FPGAs, but between the time I carried out my first tests and when I could have started producing a prototype, the price of Gowin FPGAs was multiplied by three!

At that time, about four five ago (2019), the price of a used, working Drumulator was around €250 in France. Which did not leave much room for the creation of a profitable machine from a financial point of view. The price of a Drumulator has now increased significantly, and is around  €700 ~ €800, leaving room for a clone.

I also spotted FPGAs from another manufacturer whose characteristics are quite interesting and whose selling price corresponds to the development of equipment that must be sold at a reasonable price: the Trion family from Efinix

Obviously, moving from one FPGA family to another is not particularly trivial. Not because it involves changing the type of technology, but rather because it is 'yet' a leap into the unknown. When you 'habit' with a component, you navigate within your 'comfort zone'. Obviously, changing manufacturer means changing development software, physical constraints on the component itself, etc... We never do it lightly. But hey, at some point you have to go.

If I start this topic about an FPGA Drumulator, it's because I have already carried out some tests with the Efinity development software, from Efinix. And I know I can compile a complete Z80 system inside a Trion Fpga component.

But as of now, I have never actually programmed the study board I purchased.

For the moment, I have just implemented a Z80 core associated with the original Drumulator ROM in version 3.0. I have no means of display or input. I will therefore ensure that the message which should normally be displayed on the four digits of the Drumulator is displayed on my PC screen. To do this, I will just need to implement a system that translates the codes sent to the digit into a character string suitable for display on a terminal.

I will keep this principle subsequently, because I intend to dedicate the management of the front of the machine to a processor which will be connected by serial port to the FPGA.

So: attempt to activate the core of the Drumulator with display on the serial terminal of the 'famous' message "Bad"!

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