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D-Retro Computing
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Affichage des articles dont le libellé est
D-Retro Computing
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mardi 18 mai 2021
Retro computing µPF--2, the first real start.
The implementation of the peripherals being different on this board, I had to modify the VHDL code of the system that was working on the gen...
mercredi 12 mai 2021
Retro computing : µPF--2, a µPF--1 clone.
The project to recreate the µPF--1 kit is progressing. I now have a complete hardware system that will allow me to implement the FPGA code e...
mercredi 3 octobre 2018
Et pour commencer, un peu de Forth . Je ne vais pas détailler ici ce langage avec sa syntax en polonaise inverse , mais vous trouverez un ...
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